Make it better.

At OYAM Studios, we are dedicated to transforming the places where you create, live, and play into spaces that inspire and enhance your life.

We offer a comprehensive array of architectural services—whether you’re dreaming big, considering a small refresh, or simply looking to get some professional advice on a particular project you are considering.

Project consultations are always complimentary. If we are a good fit and the project moves forward, we offer a range of services at either a fixed fee or hourly rate.

Our Process

We show up for work with the same mission everyday: “make it better”. It is straightforward enough and reflects our commitment to consistent improvement. Good design for us means making the process of working with an architect and the end results better - not just different.

We anchor our design process around three main principals:

We enjoy understanding what motivates our clients. It enables us to focus sharply on your needs, ensuring design solutions aligns with project vision.

Just as a bespoke suit is tailored to fit perfectly, our designs are scaled to harmonize with the lifestyle of its users and the character of its surroundings.

We build with the future in mind. Our architectural solutions are designed to endure, gracefully weathering time and adversity, ensuring they remain functional and beautiful for generations to come.

Feasibility Studies and Project Validation

Evaluation of site conditions, budget constraints, regulatory requirements, schedule, and client needs as well as identifying and assessing potential risks associated with the envisioned project. By understanding these risks and opportunities up front and at the start of a project we can help develop strategies to mitigate risk and improve project success.


Gathering and analyzing information about your goals and priorities helps define the scope of the project. Identifying the spatial, functional, and operational needs is important part of the typical architectural design process that ensures the project solution aligns with your goals and constraints.

Schematic Design

Initial design ideas are tested and explored to build alignment on the visual and ephemeral inspiration for your project. The spatial relationships within the building and site are tested with sketches, drawings and 3D modeling with a simplified level of detail to support iteration and to better identify solutions that best align with your budget, timeline, and project goals.

Design Development

Refining and developing initial design ideas into more tangible and comprehensive solution during design development is where your project’s vision comes to life. A lot of decisions about materials and building systems are made during this period and OYAM can help integrate functionality, constructability and regulatory compliance with your design vision.

Construction Documents

For builders to construct your project accurately and efficiently, OYAM prepares construction documents with detailed instructions and specifications. They include dimensions, materials, finishes and other essential information that convey the design intent, technical requirements, and quality standards to ensure your project is successful.

Permit Documents

Most construction projects new or renovation will be required by local municipal codes to apply for permits. Preparing permit documents to demonstrate legal compliance with local building codes, zoning and regulations is an important step that helps ensures the project meets a standard of quality and safety.

Construction Administration

Each project construction projects can involve hundreds of people from fabricators, delivery teams, manufacturers, craftsmen, installers, and contractors – having OYAM involved in the administration of construction provides you and the builder a point of contact when questions come up and assist with quality assurance.

Pricing Documents

Clear and comprehensive pricing documents help provide clients with essential information for financial planning. OYAM’s pricing documents collect and articulate scopes of work that estimators, contractors and builders can review and provide pricing feedback or for you to collect proposals for your project to evaluate multiple options.

Consulting Architect

OYAM is able to provide exceptional architectural services on an as-needed basis. As an architectural consultant we see ourselves as a strategic partner to help realize your project needs and can assist with building code review, zoning analysis, accessibility review, technical detailing and other technical document review and multi-trade coordination.