Buildings Are Temporary
Deconstruction and demolition are a reoccurring condition of the urban environment. In 2014 Seattle saw a 400% increase in the number of demolitions permits submitted to the previous six years. The urban fabric was undergoing an unprecedented transformation. These structures, temporarily liberated from their function and purpose, became an effective medium to instigate a dialogue between architects, artists, builders, owners, and the public.
The Seattle Demo Project was a cross-disciplinary cultural program that activated soon-to-be-demolished structures; it was the result of architects, designers, developers, and builders viewing structures awaiting their departure as an educational, artistic and cultural resource while marking the end of the structure’s life cycle.
Formed in 2012 by a group of young artists and designers who began investigating and documenting soon-to-be demolished buildings evolved into organized experiments to incorporate a variety of installations, deconstructions, documentations and public events.
By building a platform for exploration and discovery as well as providing space and materials for artists the Seattle Demo Project generated full scale architectural experiments and installations resulting in a hands-on educational experience for architectural students and young professionals. By sharing their work, those involved with the program opened a public dialogue with local communities.
2014 - AIA Seattle Honor Awards, Honorable Mention